Mega Millions … 425 Mil

13 12 2013

Sooo i was just thinking what i would do if i did in fact on some off chance happened to win the megamillions ….

Clearly , my first thought would be to hop a flight to Barcelona, my favorite place thus far that i have discovered in the world. I realized also even if i did win i would definitely still want to be in the working world…. Image

I’d give at least 1 million back to the University of Michigan’s Communication Studies program , whether this would be divided up into scholarships or furthering some sort of research i’m not quite sure. I feel like I need to give back to an establishment that has given me so much.

I’d give at least 5 million to the City of Detroit – in some way shape or form. In order to make Detroit better than it once was we have to clear out the old and rubble. Ruin porn is fascinating concept … the fact that people are finding beauty in the demise of downtown…. kids have gone as far as SKiiNG iNSiDE these broke down buildings, making jumps and all kinds of crazy things. Turning a scrap yard into a full fledged Urban Putt Putt venue that was created by Lawrence Tech (Detroit University) students. The course is named Roosevelt Par and is in the same pocket as the Imagination Station ….!! The Imagination Station is a new nonprofit whose humble first job is to clean up 2230 and 2236 14th street, two blighted historic houses on Roosevelt Park facing the iconic ruins of Michigan Central Station in Detroit’s Corktown neighborhood.  I would like to contribute something to the city that is creative and innovative while hosting a community space for safe gathering.  I’m going to continue the blog about Do It For Detroit … cuz i could go on for days !

Keith Haring OGI would get a penthouse suite at the W south beach or Fontainbleau for NYE !! Image

Buy 15 – 20 fur blankets for some close friends and family for the holiday, because who wouldn’t love to get all cozied up in that !!

A Ferrari California, a car for Melshaw whatever kind she dreamt of and maybe one one other car ( it could be for you ! )

Definitely plan a ski trip to Chile with at least 4 – 6 friends !! All of me betches.O yah you’d have to wait til Summer for this trip ! :p

A new lab top Mac Book Air & I phone … yes i said it … i’d also invest in Typo Keyboard … maybe 1.5 mill so i’ve donated more than Ryan Secreast and get the ball rolling on the best way to bring back the features from a blackberry … such as the keyboard ! Image

I’d buy an original Roy Lichtenstein , Keith Haring, Andy Warhol & Georgia O Keefe ( some ideas featured here in the blog post).



I’d put away 200 mill for safe keepings and later in life.


27 04 2011

At a quick glance at the television, a magazine, or simply walking down the street you are bombarded with a symbol that represents a BRAND. BRANDS are ubiquitous in our everyday lives.

Do you recognize any of these symbols that represent the success of marketing? recogonize the black swoosh?? or how about the silver apple ?? 

A simple personal or organizational website is no longer the single source of information available online about a BRAND. With the help of social media, corporations can communicate effectively to their consumers. with the click of a few buttons, the corporation can advertise their message/BRAND  from one to many.

Get the latest updates on your favorite BRAND via twitter update, or facebook page.

social media is beneficial to BRANDS because it creates a relationship with the consumer of the product and the company.

Over 54 consumers were able to show that the like the new website and 15 consumers were able to give FEEDBACK and share their opinions about the new NIKE WEBSITE. social media can benefit the image of the company. By receiving consumer FEEDBACK , the company can alter its image to further satisfy the consumers needs or wants. allowing for early detection and smooth transitions of crisis management.

social media is changing the communication with guests of the media.  it allows for a new way of attracting talent.

facebook allows users to keep in touch by posting pictures, messages, videos, audio clips, links, etc. twitter allows for an exchange of quick, frequent 140 character texts. best for one to many and the chatter surrounding a product. both of these social media services are creating customer loyalty and FEEDBACK from their consumers.


30 03 2011

Barak Obama is noted as one of the first presidential candidates who really took advantage of SOCIAL MEDIA . His campaign basically invented the idea of politics 2.0. What do might I mean by politics 2.0? and what was learned from Obama‘s campaign?

> Micro-politics : noting that most people are NOT interested in politics,Obama learned that every single person is a universe. Stressing personal communication he wanted to figure out what individuals or individual groups of people are interested in.

>Politics out of politics : media broad casted political forums can take place in multiple forms. They are not just televised debates or speeches, but are Facebook pages and Twitter feeds. Obamas campaign exemplified the benefits of using SOCIAL MEDIA FORUMS. This would be the most successful route in reaching the “Y-GENERATION”- those who were born after the year 1982.

> Addressing Individuals : not only did Obama’s campaign obtain mass amounts of money in relation to his rival candidates, but a majority of this money came from donations that were LESS THAN $100. Proving that many people can come together and make a fortune.

MYBARAKOBAMA.COM was a website created by his campaign that gave citizens an opportunity to SHARE their points of view and CONNECT with other typically like- minded citizens. This image can be found on the website.

– He basically created his OWN SOCIAL NETWORK of followers. There are over 2 million profiles created on the website.

> Pay attention to details :  Obama made sure that he ALWAYS looked presentable, in put together outfits, spoke appropriately, and maintained well behaved.

In addition to his own SOCIAL NETWORKING website Obama relied heavily on FACEBOOK! Top Ten reasons why FACEBOOK worked for his campaign:

1. Facebook gives transparency- there is nothing to hide on facebook

2. Facebook molbilizes people – the viral capacity is HUGE , many people can be connected and share in ONE place.

3. Facebook and “micro feelings”/ “micro points of view” – any little tiny thing you promote can be easily passed on and gain a larger amount of “friends” or “followers”

4. Facebook communicates – images, posts, and opinions are easily accessible and shared

5.Facebook creates politics out of politics- Obama was able to figure out what different types of citizens were interested in by CONNECTING on facebook. Then he was able to COMMUNICATE what they wanted to hear about.

6.Facebook connects people – although you may not personally know hte person you are COMMUNICATING with you, you can still easily share your LIKE MINDED ideals and opinions. Others may also be able to share their information.

7. Facebook works for citizens – it is easily accessible and is shaped by the people who use it.

8. Facebook is global- everyone around the world can be informed about this topic.

9. Facebook and creativity- people can express and promote their opinions in a creative manner.

10.Facebook humanizes – makes Obama seem like a real person who the individuals feel they have a relationship with.

Obama BRANDED himself as a moment of HOPE.

Catalan News Agency

30 03 2011

Last week the Journalism 2.0 Class took a  field trip to the Catalan News Agency. This is one of the top agencies for broadcasting in Catalunya, and it is SOLEY broadcast ed in ENGLISH.

Unfortunately due to travels, I was unable to attend the class field trip. I have decided to look to their website for information.

CNA aka Catalan News Agency has a very straight forward and aesthetically appealing website. CNA focuses on Politics, Business, Society & Science, Life & Style, Culture and of course, SPORTS!


Explore Catalan Culture

>Barcelona’s main public library to be built next to the Ciutadella Park.The Library’s construction will begin in 2012 and last three years, it will cost 37.4 million euros. Miro finally deicded where to place his 5 floor library containing up to 600,000 volumes of books.

Explore Catalan Sports

>Alberto Contador has won the centenary edition of the ‘Volta Ciclista a Catalunya’, Catalonia’s cycling Tour. Barcelona takes pride in being able to host the finish line for the cyclying tour.

You can find a siderbar of widgets to the right of the 2 column website.

The first widget is for “Catalan Views” – one of them is by Jori Vaquer the director of CIDOB and the second is by Josep Gonzalez the president of PIMEC(SME Association).   These are the top opinions by produced by the Catalan News Agency. The second widget is an advertistment for FC Barcelona!

Click! To buy FC Barcelona tickets to the next game here April 6th. If you haven’t been to a game yet, I have heard it is well worth it !! I am trying to attend this game with my roommates.

The third widget hosts “Special” news stories to view – today’s happen to be on “science in catalonia” and “Debate:Open to the world”.

Then there are a few different options on how to subscribe to the Catalan News Agency’s website.

  • The website’s sidebar also lists its latest and most popular stories! and last but not least there is a translator button! This is helpful for those people who cannot understand ENGLIGH.

    This news agency covers ALL Catalunya, not just the city of barcelona! it is interesting that they would chose to put an advertisement of the futbol team as the second widget on the sidebar. The FB Barca futbol team is a part of the Catalan Identity.

    Below is a video of The Catalan News Agency

    The Catlan News Agency Website is very basic and straight forward, it has a great visual appeal and its easy to navigate through. I would give this web page a high rating on its quality.

    Lazy Lounging leads to adventures!

    27 03 2011

    One of the things that I long for the MOST about not being in America is being able to watch TV in ENGLISH! I am a communications major at the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN where the focus is on the mass media. Freshman year, I took a communications course where I learned the history of the mass media. My teacher SUSAN DOUGLAS is a goddess!! She was even on Opera and has published a book called “Where The Girls Are.” I mean how many students can say THEIR teacher has been on OPERA!? I am hoping to take another class this fall semester with her called Celebrity Culture. Gotta keep my fingers crossed!

    The Legendary Susan Douglas

    My keen interest in the television world grew tremendously over last summer when I was unfortunately instructed to “take it easy” and relax for 2 and a half months!! It was the longest I’ve ever had to stay inside and not be allowed to even LIFT A FINGER in my life. My doctor told me all I could do was chill….. I am an EXTREMELY active and love to GO-GO-GO!!! so this was NOT easy. I had to get a few new hobbies and one of them was watching TV.

    I discovered TWO favorite TV channels – E! and The Travel Channel! One of the main reasons i LOVED the Travel Channel is because I could feel like I was traveling all over the world from while sitting on my living room couch. I’m OBSESSED with traveling and trying new things when I do arrive to these new cities. This led to endless hours searching of where to go and see on the Travel Channels website. I even applied for an internship to work for the network.


    The Travel Channel hosts a variety of shows offering different angles or views of a multitude of cities! In my opinion the top shows revolve around challenging situations or food explorations in these various cities around the world. Top TV shows to catch are: Bert the Conqueror, Bizzare Foods with Andy Zimmern, and my ALL TIME FAVORITE MAN v FOOD.

    Bert the Conqueror – is where Bert travels around the world and takes on crazy challenges such as “riding Virginia’s Griffon, the tallest and fastest coaster in the world, plunging 40 feet down Hawaii’s Shaka waterslide, or competing in Maine’s North American Wife Carrying Championship, Bert stops at nothing to celebrate the unique traditions that take place in towns across the nation.”

    Bizzare Foods with Andy follows an EXOTIC food journey where he really tests his limits with food. If it looks good he WILL eat it! He’s even tried brain tacos in Baja and bull penis soup in Bangkok – not many people would risk putting those kinds of foods in their mouth! Check out Andy with who knows what he is about to put in his mouth!! eek!!

    But my ALL TIME FAVORITE SHOW instills a combination of a thrilling challenge and the delicious taste of food. In Man v. Food, food fanatic Adam Richman has held every job in the restaurant business, and now he’s on a journey to explore the biggest and best eats our nation has to offer.  He takes on FOOD challenges in cities across the UNITED STATES. He visits 2 amazing authentic (non- chain) restaurants in each city and than takes on a challenge at a 3rd restaurant!

    For Example – Adam will attempt to conquer a massive grilled cheese sandwich in Cleveland, OH, a 7-lb. seafood feast in Long Island, NY, and race to finish 50 wings in 30 minutes in Boulder, CO.

    the SEASON FINALE of MY FAVORITE SHOW happened to take place in MY college town of ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. I was determined to get on the set of the TV show MAN v FOOD and see my celebrity crush ADAM RICHMAN.

    This is part of the Season Finale episode that took place in ANN ARBOR !!! His first stop is at BLIMPY BURGER – a veryyy greasey and filling burger place. The second stop is at my FAVORITE deli MAIZE and BLUE. This is big amongst UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN athletes because the portions are GINORMOUS! You can see ADAM eat my friends sandwich in the episode!!  My best friend brad in the green shirt is munching on his sandwich in the opening of Maize and Blue Deli around 7 minutes in.

    The CHALLENGE of ANN ARBOR takes place at Tio’s Mexican Cafe – a somewhat disgusting restaurant if you ask me…! Adam is CHALLENGED with 5 lbs of Nachos loaded with chips, beans, cheese, chicken, beef, pork, guac, AND spicy queso. a short trailer shows a preview of Adam’s Ann Arbor challenge.


    I wish he could come to Barcelona and have a tapa challenge !!

    “buy it,use it, break it , fix it !” – Technologic

    11 03 2011

    We are said to be the a part of the  “TECH” (technology) generation – in that our daily lives are being enhanced, influenced and possibly even revolved around a technological device. The advancement of technology in our CURRENT day and age is moving rapidly. Just a short 40 years ago the most unthinkable technology products were being produced such as the POCKET CALCULATOR and the first microwordproccessor! NOW we can send and receive SMS, PICTURES, VOICENOTES, VIDEOS, or upload our CALENDAR and ADDRESS BOOK, play GAMES, and even watch TV from ONE small HAND HELD MOBILE DEVICE. It is honestly UNBELIEVABLE and SURREAL to see what technology has allowed humans to do today.

    Music Artist’s have caught on to the TREND of TECHnology and have produced songs about how COMPUTERS and TECHnology are being used to enhance and update society.


    “Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
    Trash it, change it, mail – upgrade it,
    Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it,
    Snap it, work it, quick – erase it,
    Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
    Load it, check it, quick – rewrite it,
    Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,
    Drag and drop it, zip – unzip it,
    Lock it, fill it, call it, find it,
    View it, code it, jam – unlock it,
    Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it,
    Cross it, crack it, switch – update it,
    Name it, rate it, tune it, print it,
    Scan it, send it, fax – rename it,
    Touch it, bring it, Pay it, watch it,
    Turn it, leave it, start – format it.”


    When I decided to be a Communications major at The UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN I knew the next FOUR years of MY LIFE would revolve around the MASS MEDIA.

    [[Wikipedia states that the “Mass media refers collectively to all media technologies, including the Internet, television, newspapers, and radio, which are used for mass communications, and to the organizations which control these technologies. Mass media play a significant role in shaping public perceptions on a variety of important issues, both through the information that is dispensed through them, and through the interpretations they place upon this information.

    The also play a large role in shaping modern culture, by selecting and portraying a particular set of beliefs, values, and traditions (an entire way of life), as reality. That is, by portraying a certain interpretation of reality, they shape reality to be more in line with that interpretation. ” ]]

    In America, we are constantly BOMBarded with the HOTTEST and LATEST trends, places to JET set off to or “proper” food to eat for a mid day snack by the MEDIA. The MASS MEDIA is a fascinating thing-  not only does it allow for people all over the world CONNECT, PLAY, AND EXECUTE their wildest dreams, but it allows them to do this in a matter of SECOND.

    With the advent of the WORLD WIDE WEB in the late 1980’s/early 1990’s and the first search engines by TIM BERNERS-LEE the technological world would be forever altered. No longer would unimaginable technological devices be subjected to the wood-works of the a TV run by a satellite  but to being able to VIEW TELEVISION on your MOBILE DEVICE! My ancestors would NEVER believe their eyes if they were to cross paths with an iPAD.

    The WORLD WIDE WEB has given kids, parents cousins aunts, uncles, sisters and brothers the OPPORTUNITY to download their FAVORITE TV SHOW that they missed earlier that day, week, or even month ago. Not only does almost every single television station or network have an online and interactive website but they also have a tab where users can WATCH EPISODES! it is like a DREAM COME TRUE – to be able to ACCESS and WATCH your favorite shows FOR FREE!!

    I like to personally use the following websites to watch television shows will here in BARCELONA 😀

    It is unfortunate that because I am located in another country (SPAIN) that my home networks of the united states will not allow me to access their online episode viewing, leaving me to have to watch them else where!

    Time to go watch Tv!! if you would like to guess what it is I am watching CHECK out the “ABOUT ME” section at the top of the page for my favorite tv shows!

    Hello world!

    24 01 2011

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!